Adashi’s response and incident command products are designed to provide you the information you need, regardless of Internet connectivity. Unlike some of our competitors, these two products are not cloud-based. Instead, data is stored on the local system.

If the internet goes down, all the mapping and navigation features continue to function perfectly. Commanders and firefighters can still access pre-plans, databases, guidance, checklists, marked points of interest, fire hydrant data, and reports with complete functionality.

Incident information from dispatch and real-time weather will be accurate up to the last moment of internet access, and you can choose which weather source you trust most. You can also setup and use a mobile weather station without internet.

On the Adashi C&C product, commanders will still be able to draft annotations on maps, pre-plans, and photos of the incidents and drag-and-drop resources to assignments and locations. However, field personnel will not receive that data until internet comes online. Similarly, the incident commander can still draft and save their Incident Action Plan but sharing this document will require internet access.

If a user sets up a local server (at the scene, for example) all communication will feed off that hub and they will have full AVL and command functionality.